With its headquarters in Aachen, Germany, SIGMA Engineering GmbH is technology driven and fascinated by plastics technology. With our simulation product SIGMASOFT® Virtual Molding we make modern injection molding processes transparent – for plastic, elastomer, thermoset and PIM applications.
SIGMA Engineering GmbH is a sister company of the technology and market leader in casting simulation located in Aachen, Germany. Owner managed and fascinated by technology we make modern polymer forming processes transparent. With our simulation product SIGMASOFT® Virtual Molding our customers optimize plastics parts and injection molds as well as production conditions of thermoplastic-, elastomer-, thermoset- or MIM/CIM applications.
Customers optimize their injection molding production with a consequent virtualization of all process phases from the first design up to serial production. Here they are also support by SIGMA’s personal Solution Service who assists in interpreting the results.