IWK Institut für Werkstofftechnik und Kunststoffverarbeitung

IWK Institut für Werkstofftechnik und Kunststoffverarbeitung

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IWK - the combination of science and practice for innovative solutions with modern materials, production processes and multi-material technology

from Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland



Patric Hanser
Matthias Baldinger
Arno Maurer
Elisabeth Biedermann
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Since its foundation in 2005, the IWK Institute for Materials Technology and Plastics Processing at the HSR University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil has developed into a well-known competence centre for the plastics processing industry. As a competent partner for companies in the regional and supra-regional area, IWK offers services covering all aspects of the material groups of plastics, fibre composites and material composites.

The IWK has established itself as a competence centre for the most important plastics processing methods in Switzerland. The IWK has proven expertise in materials science, plastics processing and component development. IWK's laboratory equipment covers injection moulding, polyurethane processing, fiber composite processing, compounding, extrusion and material development. In addition, various smaller equipment such as materials testing machines, microscopy, mechanical and rheological testing equipment, climatic chambers etc. are available, which can be used for material characterization, component testing and quality control.

In the field of additive manufacturing IWK has know-how in the design (3D modelling), data preparation (slicer software), material development (FDM filaments), manufacturing (FDM) and characterisation (material testing) of prototype components. That's why the IWK has its own filament extrusion line as well as various FDM printers and the Arburg freeformer.


IWK Institute for Materials Technology and Plastics Processing

Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland
Techpark, Eichwiesstrasse 18b
CH-8645 Rapperswil-Jona


Frank Ehrig

Frank Ehrig

Head of Institute, Research and Development in Injection moulding/PU
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Daniel Schwendemann

Daniel Schwendemann

Deputy Head of Institute, Research and Development in Compounding/Extrusion
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Gion Andrea Barandun

Gion Andrea Barandun

Head of department Composites Technology / Lightweight Construction
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Curdin Wick

Curdin Wick

Head of department Injection moulding
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Mohammad Rabiey

Mohammad Rabiey

Head of department Production engineering metal
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Pierre Jousset

Pierre Jousset

Head of department Joining Technology
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Mario Studer

Mario Studer

Head of department simulation and design
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Markus Henne

Markus Henne

Head of department Mechanical Systems
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Daniel Omidvarkarjan

Daniel Omidvarkarjan

Head of 3D-Printing / Additive Manufacturing
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