
Sustainable invest accelerates the circular economy - SPE 20

In her keynote, Anne-Louise will address why investments in the circular economy is the ultimate sustainable investment as well as the development she has witnessed among companies and investors when it comes to the circular transition.

Swiss Plastics Expo
Luzern, Switzerland

Why the «circular economy» is the ultimate sustainable investment case

The UN Sustainable Development Goals aims to eradicate poverty and deliver a sustainable future for all by 2030. To deliver on this goal, we need to transform from a linear economy, which follows a take-make-dispose pattern, into a circular economy. Anne-Louise has therefore made ‘circular economy’ a critical investment parameter at SDG Invest, the investment fund she co-founded in 2017.

SDG Invest only invest in sustainable leaders, and here circular business models and solutions stands as a central selection criterion. In 2018, 60 % of the portfolio companies had committed to circular economy solutions, and in 2019 that tendency has only increased.

SDG Invest supports the transition to a circular economy by financing those who are active in the circular economy and particularly big global companies, who are able to impact whole industries while leading the change.


Kurz CV

Anne-Louise has founded two unique concepts within sustainable and impact investing:

  1. SDG Invest, which is the first investment fund in Europe, that uses the SDGs as a proactive tool to invest in listed equity.
  2. The Global Impact Club (GIC), which is a network of families that educate, inspire and co-invest in impact solutions. Anne-Louise has more than 20 years of sustainability experience from a variety of countries and sectors. She has a master’s in communication and economics and has a Cambridge Sustainability Leadership. She has worked as Head of Sustainability and International Development at PwC, Denmark, and sits on various advisory committees.


This keynote is part of the Innovation Symposium of the Swiss Plastics Expo

At the Innovation Symposium, you will receive the latest specialist knowledge on 16 topics relating to plastics and plastics processing on two stages. Keynote speakers will report on science, technology and industry. The showcase presentations will give you background information on exciting projects.

Participation in the Innovation Symposium is included in the fair ticket.



Key data

Wednesday, January 22, 2020
10:30 AM - 10:50 AM

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