
Customization and Flexibility in Industry: From Concept to Final Product

Customization is now essential in today’s industrial landscape, transforming how products are designed, planned, and manufactured. The key to unlocking real benefits for companies and consumers lies in maintaining flexibility throughout the entire product development process.

Marinha Grande, Portugal

Where does flexibility in product design begin?

The synergy between customization and flexibility begins right at the design and engineering phase.

At VANGEST, we partner with innovators that make a difference in people’s lives daily, such as medical, automotive and food & beverage. Therefore, the challenges are constantly evolving. But we have creative minds oriented towards tailored solutions.

In our Design, Rapid Production and Small Series Unit, we explore functional solutions with 3D CAD technologies, working with advanced silicone moulds.

This allows us to quickly produce high-quality prototypes and low-volume production of real end-use parts suitable for applications requiring frequent design updates.

Explore this case study to gain a better understanding of how we are implementing customization and flexibility solutions.

At VANGEST, we understand that the industry’s future lies in the ability to adapt, customize, and innovate continuously.

Flexibility in production for customized manufacturing

We optimize our processes through rigorous standardization, thorough documentation of operating procedures, and ongoing training. This guarantees that all team members have access to the same critical information, leading not just to accuracy, but more importantly to consistency and reliability, in our operations.

Flexibility in production is central for achieving innovative levels of customized manufacturing. At VANGEST, we offer integrated product lifecycle management, allowing product development from idea to industrialization.

Our nearly four decades of expertise allows us to seamlessly adapt to different industries. This is the less visible part of production flexibility.

The most visible is cutting-edge technologies with a high degree of robotic automation allow precise control. High speed milling, and 5-axis CNC machines offer precision in custom production.

Discover this project in the food & beverage sector, to see how we designed and produced an innovative solution, combining creative design with advanced technology.

Benefits of customization and flexibility for industries

Efficient production lines open doors to new possibilities in design, materials, and techniques, fostering innovation, and the benefits to industries are relevant:

  • Faster responses to market changes
  • Optimized resource allocation
  • Reduced time to market
  • Improved product quality and performance

The future of customization in industry

Looking to the future, we see a landscape rich with possibilities.

  • Hyper-Personalization: Products adapted to specific moments in people’s lives
  • Sustainable Personalization: Designs focused on recyclability and minimal environmental impact
  • AI-Driven Design: Artificial intelligence creating personalized designs based on user data and preferences

At VANGEST, we understand that the industry’s future lies in the ability to adapt, customize, and innovate continuously. Through our multi-sector experience, advanced technologies, and specialized teams, we are prepared to face tomorrow’s challenges and transform visions into reality.

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Nuno Cipriano

Nuno Cipriano

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