
Industrial symbiosis from recycled coffee grounds: Coffeefrom

You will receive impulses about how Coffeefrom startup, together with its supply chain partners like Nexeo Plastics, has managed to create a new industrial symbiosis to transform coffee wastes into new valuable resources.


Coffee is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water. But under the dark liquid surface there is a secondary protagonist, usually sent to landfill: coffee grounds.

One thing is certain, though: Coffeefrom’s coffee wastes have a happy ending. Coffeefrom is a circular economy startup that deals with the transformation of industrial coffee grounds into infinite expressive possibilities, from new raw materials to design products.

Coffeefrom operates according to an industrial symbiosis model, composed of food industry, university and academic research, design, compounding, molding and waste management. Nexeo Plastics is the compounding partner and distributor of Coffeefrom, a fundamental step of the supply chain to define the future of organic-based materials.

Hinweis: Dieses Referat wird auf Englisch gehalten.

Referent*innen (2)

Laura Gallo

Laura Gallo

Coffeefrom, CEO and Founder

Marco Vincre

Marco Vincre

Nexeo Plastics, Application Development Engineer